Five things you should never post on Facebook
Five Things You Should never post on Facebook.Facebook to be frank, is one of the social media networks on which people from all walks of life place or post their information, pictures, views and thoughts. These people who post their views and thoughts are sometimes not ready to share it with other people or the whole world at large or better still strangers.Most people post plenty of their personal details or personal information that they do not want to share with others on Facebook.These people might have thought that, as long as their privacy settings are set correctly on Facebook,they are OK.Such people therefore feel comfortable around the circle of friends.The big problem is that, you never really know who is spying your information.If your friend's account is hacked by a hacker or lets say your friend forgot to log out and some criminal is using your friend's account, you will definitely be affected too.For the sake of the safety of you, your family and friends, there are some information you should never post to Facebook.
Here are five things you should never post to Facebook or if posted already, get rid of it.
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- Your Phone number:Assuming your phone number gets to the wrong person(the bad guy),what do you think could happen?. Hackers could use it to their advantage.Isn't it?. Good.
- Current location:Facebook has a certain feature called location tagging.If you use the location tagging feature on Facebook, it gives you the mandate to tell people where ever you are all the time. Lets say for instance, you traveled and you want people on Facebook (family and friends) to know that you are not at home.The worry is that, thieves and robbers could take the advantage of you not being in the house, go to your house and steal your properties.
- Being home alone : Never post to Facebook that you you are at home alone.You will see someone posted on their Facebook wall '' I am currently alone in the house''. Never do that!!
Secure Your Computer and home
- Home address :Do not ever post your home address or where you stay or live on any social media like Facebook. Since you have no idea who is viewing your profile.
- Pictures of your children tagged with their names:Never post tagged pictures or videos of your children on the social media because the bad guys could use this information to convince your child or children that they are not strangers since they know every detailed information about your family.
Read Also:Five Computer Security Tools you should know.
I hope this article helps.
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