Saturday, 2 September 2017

Important Terminologies you need to know


It does not matter whether you are still new at browsing the internet or you are advanced at it, there are some terminologies I want to share with you.Some of these terminologies might be new to some of us or already known by some of us for sure.Even if you already know them you should read it again because repetition does not matter in prayers.The internet users have access to the internet through a web browser software. These web browsers are found on your computers or your mobile devices that you use to surf the net.
Now, dealing with the terms, we start with:
  • A web browser:
 This is a free mobile application that enables a person to view an information, web pages, and most online content. Can you name some of the most popular browsers you know?. Good.
Some of them are; Internet Explorer, Safari,Google Chrome and many others.The browsers open web pages and each web page has a special address called the Uniform Resource Locator(URL).

  • Web Page:The page you often read when you are surfing the net is called the web page. When you view a web page you often see adverts,text,photos,diagrams,links,images and so many other things.If you click on an area of a web page, it gets expanded to give you more information.
  • A Link :This is an open source text and graphic web browser with a pull-down menu system. It is a snippet of text that appears in a different color from the other text such that when you click on it, it takes you to a related web page.
  • HTTP; An abbreviation for ( Hypertext Transfer Protocol): For a link,pictures,text to work properly in your web browser, it should have this prefix;http.
  • HTTPs: Abbreviation for ( Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). This indicates that the web page has a special layer of encryption added to hide your personal information and passwords from others. Whenever you log in to your online bank account or a shopping site that you enter credit card information into, look for "https" in the URL for security.
  • HTML: An abbreviation for ( Hypertext Markup Language). This gives a command to your web browser to show images, text, pictures in a specific fashion.

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  • XML:  An abbreviation for ( eXtensible Markup Language). This one databases and catalogues web pages.It is actually a cousin of HTML. When you combine the two, it becomes XHTML.
  • URL: Abbbreviation for (Uniform Resource Locator). The web browser has an address to the internet pages and files. This is called the URL. This is how a url looks like: https// or like this; www.something/webpage. In order to address a page or a file, the url has three parts.
    a) protocol which ends in //: or https//:
    b)host which ends in .net, .com,.org, and the like.
    c) file name or page name.
  • ISP: An abbreviation for ( Internet Service Provider).  In order to surf the internet, you need your internet service provider. It is the company that plugs you to the net.

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  • Router:Your router provides a defense against hackers and directs content to the specific computer, device, streaming device or printer that should receive it. The ISP is often the provider of the network router that it prefers for your internet service. When a network signal reaches your home or business from your ISP, the router shows the signal where to go.
  • Encryption: This is the mathematical scrambling of data so that it is hidden from a third party. Your banking information and credit card numbers are kept private due to a reliable encryption.Encryption uses a complex mathematical formulas to turn private data in to meaningless technical language that only trusted readers can read.
  • Authentication: This is a process of identifying an individual, usually based on a pass word and username.It is the computer way that a computer system verifies that you are who you say you are.
  • PhishingThis is the use of convincing-looking emails and web pages to lure you into typing your account numbers and passwords/PINs. 
  • E-commerce:  The E stands for electronic. Electronic commerce is an online business transaction of buying and selling goods on the internet.
  • Spam:  This is a jargon name for unsolicited and unwanted e-mails or messages sent by hackers to lure you into divulging your pass words.When they have access to your pass word, they can steal important details about you or your company.
  • IP Address:  IP is an abbreviation for (Internet Protocol). Any device that is connected to the internet uses an internet protocol address for identification. An IP address looks like this; 21DA:D3:0:2F3B:2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A  or

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  • Hacking: Hacking is most often thought of as the action of gaining unauthorized access to information, devices, and networks. More accurately, black hat hackers do so to damage, steal, or commit other mischief. White hat hacking is devoted to unearthing vulnerabilities, often ones that the hackers believe a company or organization knows of but has not repaired.
  •   Malware: An abbreviation for malicious software. Any program or file that is embedded into computer system to gain an authorized access to personal details,holding it ransom and sabotaging the system and other negative actions.
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